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Marketing Magnet

Have you ever seen a monkey in heels? Me Neither. Well, unless you connect with Bwana Google. Marketing uses the ‘curiosity killed the cat’ strategy, whereby you will want to see it to believe it.

Imagine this – a smooth-talking stranger walks up to you as you’re busy minding your own lemons and tries to convince you that his or her product is the best thing that will ever happen to you.

You inquisitively look at this smartly dressed person but can’t get over the vibe of desperation or the taste of curiosity that comes from both the salesperson and you. “Have you tried it yourself?” is a question that rings in your head but since they have unlimited voice bundles on their side, you let them use them as they talk you into buying their product? Then like Alejandro wooing Corazon, the salesperson makes you their captive with the curiosity strategy and locks you in on the product.
And just like all relationships – you try it, cry, break up and give it a second chance to prove itself worthy of your devotion. Then after the maturity level makes it successful (that is if it does) the salesman will now use your company as an example to all those hardheaded but business conscious companies. With baby steps of course.
Before you gave in to the marketing idea, you looked at all angles, and as much as they were caged in faults, you took a leap of faith and told yourself, “Let’s see how it works…” And that was your idea of a romantic tale on how we first met.
When marketing, it’s important to first know your target audience. The target audience will help you create a list of how to approach, where not to step, what the ego is and how to muscle up the energy. All this will lead you to understand their vision because if what you’re selling doesn’t get them to their goal, they will walk out.
The last thing is to focus on their budget. Period!
By The Tasmanian Deviless

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